Full attention for you

PraktijkEigen offers

  • Familyconstellations in a safe and eay setting
  • Personal individual Coaching programmes

Our services are developed for personal growth and development. We do this with focus and attention for you.

We have over 15 years of experience in working with people. I am sure I can help you a few steps forward in your personal process.

We are mainly focused on:

  • Systemic work family- and organisation constellations
  • Breathwork & Breathwork coaching
  • Integrationssessions
  • Hiking, into the forest, outside, inhealing fresh air 

Our locations are Eindhoven, Vught, Son, Schijndel and Megen.

Yes, please! I want 3 personal growth sessions

Dominique guided me in a setup with a lot of expertise. Her style turned out to be suitable for me; involved, powerful, clear and playful. The setup has made visible and aware of something that is close to my heart.

Dominique senses what is needed and provides guidance in a subtle and professional manner.

Dominique, thank you for the insights and for the warmth and support I experienced during the day, as a question submitter and representative.
Keep up the good work!

Noortje, participant family-constellations

I see you!

Register for a family constellation now

Click on this photo to get to know me and my way of working. 
