
A family constellation is a powerful tool to get you out of your head and especially into your body. My belief is that the body often knows sooner (and better) than your head. Your intuition, the undercurrent and the energy will take you further. During a constellation we work in a different energy field, you follow the movements of your body, which tell you a lot. When do you participate in a family constellation? You can actually constellate anything, for example also dilemma’s that you are dealing with.

A constellation can help you further if:

  • You notice that you often step into the same patterns that prevent you from moving forward.
  • Think of fear in relationships or doubt about making choices.
  • You feel that your parents still play too big a role in your life and you don’t seem to be able to get away from them.
  • Or if they still ask a lot of you (unconsciously, consciously)
  • If you are always busy for someone else and you forget yourself. If you have tension, illness, stress or other vague physical complaints.

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